Contact lens fittings are available as an optional add on to your regular eye exam for an additional non-refundable fee.
The fee will vary based on a number of factors, including lens type, prescription, eye health, visual demands, convenience, comfort level, patient concerns and contact lens wear history. The type of fit required will be determined after consultation with your eye doctor. Fitting fees include the necessary training for new wearers but do not include the cost of contacts (other than trials).
Contact lens fittings must be completed within 30 days of your initial exam – after 30 days, a new eye exam may be required at additional expense. Once your fitting has been completed, you have 30 days to make us aware of any issues with your contact lenses – after 30 days, a new fitting may be required at additional expense.
Soft Contact Lenses
Existing Wearer Rx Renewal $79
Existing Wearer Moderate Complex Fit $109
New Wearer Moderate Complex Fit $134
Existing Wearer Complex Fit $139
New Wearer Complex Fit $164
Renewal fits are when there are no complaints or changes required in the contact lens Rx.
Moderate complex fits are when there are complaints in vision, comfort, or modality (convenience) requiring small changes; noncompliance in current wearing regimen; or high astigmatism.
Complex fits are when there are large changes in an Rx; changes from single vision to presbyopic lens wear (i.e., multifocal lenses or monovision); or complaints in vision, comfort or modality requiring major changes.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses
Existing Wearer Rx Renewal $105
Existing Wearer Bitoric Fit $135
New Wearer Bitoric Fit $170
Existing Wearer Presbyopic Fit $185
New Wearer Presbyopic Fit $220
Jupiter Scleral Lenses
Existing Wearer Rx Renewal $269
New Wearer Fit $399
Existing Wearer Presbyopic Rx Renewal $369
New Wearer Presbyopic Fit $439